
讲座预告:富宇:Recent progress of biharmonic conjectures and some related results


报告题目Recent progress of biharmonic conjectures and some related results

报告人:    富宇(东北财经大学)

报告时间  2022/06/15 10:00-11:00

报告地点:   腾讯会议ID  545-232-931

报告摘要: In the past two decades, biharmonic maps and biharmonic submanifoldshave attracted much attention from mathematicians all over the world. In particular, concerning Chen's biharmonic conjecture, many important progress have been obtained. In this talk, I would like to report some recent progress on Chen's biharmonic conjecture and some related results.  




         富宇,东北财经大学数据科学与人工智能学院教授、博士生导师、副经理。主要研究领域为子流形几何及其应用。曾先后在国内外科研机构澳大利亚昆士兰大学、意大利ICTP、北京大学、陈省身数学所等学术交流和访问。近年来在Adv. Math.Tohoku Math. J.Pacific J. Math.PAMS等学术期刊发表了四十余篇论文。现阶段主要研究兴趣为超曲面理论的局部和整体几何以及分类问题。