

姓名: 刘勘籍贯: 湖北武汉 

系:  信息系民族: 

教研室:  信息系统职称: 教授







1988-1992 北京师范大学理论物理专业本科

1996-1999 武汉科技大学信息管理专业硕士

1999-2002 武汉大学计算机应用专业博士


1992-1996 武汉科技大学基础部物理系任教

2003 至今beat365官网信息学院任教


2006.2-2006.7 School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK, Visiting Research Fellow

















  1. 刘勘、范琴.链路结构的网页聚类研究.小型微型计算机系统.20167

  2. 刘勘、范琴、刘萍.基于链路结构的微博领域专家识别研究.情报学报.20161

  3. 刘勘、袁蕴英、刘萍.基于自动编码器的短文本特征提取及聚类研究.北京大学学报(自然科学版).20152

  4. 刘勘、袁蕴英.基于随机森林的微博机器用户识别研究.北京大学学报(自然科学版)20152

  5. 刘勘、朱芳芳.基于潜在语义索引的科技文献主题挖掘.计算机工程与应用,201412

  6. 刘勘、朱怀萍、刘秀芹.基于支持向量机的网络伪舆情识别研究.现代图书情报技术.201311

  7. 刘勘,周丽红,陈譞.基于关键词的科技文献聚类研究.图书情报工作,2012(4)(专题文章)

  8. 周丽红,刘勘.基于关联规则的科技文献分类研究.图书情报工作,2012(4)(专题文章)

  9. 刘勘,郭洋,潘演.基于多维效用合并的信息系统评价.研究情报理论与实践,2012(3)

  10. 刘勘,周丽红.面向专家的知识地图研究,情报资料工作,2012(3)

  11. 刘勘,甘小亚.基于数据挖掘的课程管理信息系统研究.湖北第二师范学院学报,2012(8)

  12. 刘勘,朱怀萍,胡航.网络伪舆情的特征研究.情报杂志,2011(11)

  13. 刘勘,李晶,刘萍.基于马尔可夫链的舆情热度趋势分析,计算机工程与应用,201147(36)

  14. 刘勘,刘萍.基于VSM的专家领域分析及可视化研究.图书情报工作,2011(10)

  15. 刘勘,尹承明,陈凡.图书借阅信息的分析与挖掘.计算机科学,200810B).

  16. 刘勘,刘萍.一种对学术论文关键词权值的动态调整方法.第24届全国数据库学术会议论文集,2007

  17. 刘勘,金大卫.基于颜色模型的自组织映射.第二十一届中国数据库学术会议论文集(技术报告篇),2004(10)

  18. 刘勘,周晓峥,周洞汝.一种基于排序子空间的高维聚类算法及其可视化研究.计算机研究与发展,2003(10)

  19. 刘勘,周晓峥,周洞汝.基于平行坐标法的可视数据挖掘.计算机工程与应用,2003(2)

  20. 周晓峥,刘勘,孟波,周洞汝.自组织映射在Web结构挖掘中的应用.计算机工程与应用,2003(1)

  21. 刘勘,周晓峥,周洞汝.数据可视化的研究与发展.计算机工程,2002(8)

  22. 周晓峥,刘勘,孟波.多维数据集的平行坐标表示及聚簇分析.计算机工程,2002(1)

  23. 周晓峥,刘勘,孟波,周洞汝.基于自组织映射的多维数据集的可视化及聚簇分析.第十九届全国数据库学术会议论文集(技术报告篇),2002(8)

  24. 刘勘,周洞汝.大型数据库中的数据可视化技术.第十八届全国数据库学术会议论文集(技术报告篇),2001(8)


  1. Liu P, Chen B L, Liu K, et al. Magnetic nanoparticles research: a scientometric analysis of development trends and research fronts[J]. Scientometrics, 2016, 108(3):1-12.SSCI

  2. Liu, Kan. “Multidimensional utility merging based information system evaluation”. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, v 7, n 18, p 11-19, 2012. EI

  3. Liu, Kan; Yan, Ma. “An advertising and service competition based pricing model for C-retailers and E-retailers”, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, v 4, n 19, p 26-33, October 2012. EI

  4. Liu, Kan; Xiao, Xingyuan; Liu, Ping. “DMCMS: A data mining based course management system”, Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (ETCS’2010), v 3, Pages: 145-148, 2010.

  5. Liu, Ping; He, Dan; Liu, Kan. “Construction of experts network based on co-word analysis”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS’2011), Nanjing, China, Pages: 2163-2166, 2011.

  6. Liu, Ping; Li, Xiang; Liu, Kan. “A conceptual framework for ontology-based expertise knowledge map”, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System, Nanjing, China, Pages: 1905-1908, 2011.

  7. Liu, Ping; Liu, Kan. “Ontology-based expertise locator Proceedings”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, Pages: 81-85, 2010.

  8. Gan, Xiaoya; Liu, Kan. “Problems and solutions in resources pool of self-access English learning center”. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, p 797-800, 2010, ICCSE 2010.

  9. Liu Kan, Liu Ping. “Visual analysis of customer data in commercial banks”, Proceedings of International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering (BIFE 2009), Beijing, China, Pages: 652-655, 2009.

  10. Liu Kan, Chen Feng, Liu Ping, XieHao. “SPSAS: A Segment-Based Protein Sequence Analyzing System”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE’2009), Beijing, China, 2009

  11. GanXiaoya, Liu Kan, Liu Ping. “Visual analysis of college student scores in English test”, Proceedings of 2009 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE’2009), Nanning, China, Pages: 1816-1819, 2009.

  12. Liu Ping, Ye Yan, Liu Kan. “Building a Semantic Repository of Academic Experts”, Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM’2008), Dalian, China, 2008.

  13. Liu Kan, Liu Ping. “Visual Analysis of Usage Efficiency of Library Books”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, Penang, Malaysia, Pages: 371-375, 2008.

  14. Ping Liu; Kan Liu; Ji Liu. “Ontology-based Expertise Matching within Academia”, Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM’2007), Shanghai, China, Pages: 5426-5429, 2007.

  15. Kan Liu, Ping Liu, DaweiJin. “Stimulation Spectrum Based High-dimensional Data Visualization”Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’ 2006), London, UK, Pages: 721-724, 2006.

  16. Kan Liu, Ping Liu. “Color Model Based 3-D Self-Organizing Map”, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’2004), London, UK, 2004.

  17. Wang, Hong-Bin; Wang, Cheng-Bo; Liu, Kan; Meng, B.O.; Zhou, Dong-Ru. “VISDM - PC: A visual data mining tool based on parallel coordinate”, Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, v 2, p 1244-1248, 2004.