
【75周年学术校庆beat365平台系列学术讲座】预告:牛牧: Intrinsic Gaussian Process on point cloud with probablistic geometry


报告题目: Intrinsic Gaussian Process on point cloud with probablistic geometry




摘要: This article presents a novel approach to construct Intrinsic Gauss ian Processes for regres- sion on unknown manifolds with probabilistic me trics (GPUM ) in point clouds. In many real world applications, one often encounters high dimensional data (e.g.‘point cloud data’) centered aro und some lower dimensional unknown manifolds. The geometry of manifold is in general different from the usual Euclidean geometry. Naively applying traditional smoothing methods such as Euclidean Gaussian Processes (GPs) to manifold-valued data and so ignoring the geometry of the space can po tentially lead to highly misleading pre- dictions and inferences. A manif old embedded in a high dimensional Euclidean space can be well described by a probabilistic mapping function and the corresponding latent space. W e investigate the geometrical structure of the unknown manifolds using th e Bayesian Gaussian Processes latent variable models(B-GPLVM) and Riemann ian geometry.The heat kernel is estimated as the transition density of Br ownian Motion and used as the covariance functions of GPUM . The applicat ions of GPUM are illustrated in the simulation studies on the Swiss roll, high dimensional real datasets of WiFi signals and image data examples.
